Rabu, 27 Februari 2019

English Test Score

English Task Passive Voice

Hello guys today I want to share my English task. Hope you enjoy it 😋😉


1. My mother bought many oranges.
Passive voice is Many oranges were bought by my mother.
2. Dolph will play the guitar at the stage.
Passive voice is The guitar will be played by Dolph at the stage.

3. Sandra uses the glasses every day.
Passive voice is The glasses are used by Sandra every day.

4. The students spoke English at class last night.
Passive voice is English was spoken by the students last night.

5. We have watched the movie.
Passive voice is The movie has been watched.

6. Gina does this assignment.
Passive voice is This assignment is done by Gina.

7. They don’t do this assignment.
Passive voice is This assignment is not done.

8. Does Lucy do this assignment?
Passive voice is Is this assignment done by Lucy ?

9. The lion eats meat.
Passive voice is Meat is eaten by the lion.

10. The cow doesn’t eat meat.
Passive voice is Meat isn’t eaten by the cow.

11. Does that animal eat meat?
Passive voice is Is meat eaten by that animal ?

12. We watch a movie.
Passive voice is A movie is watched.

13. I don’t watch the news.
Passive voice is The news is not watched.

14. Does John watch the big matches?
Passive voice is Is the big matches watched by John ?

15. My mother makes some cakes.
Passive voice is Some cakes are made by my mother.

Rabu, 20 Februari 2019

My Working Day

Hello welcome back to my blog , today I want to share video about my daily activities. I hope you enjoy it 😁.

B.  Describing your routine: read the passage below and answer the questions!

 My Working Day 
My name is Viorentina Angel. I’m a student of SMKN 11 Jakarta. I live with my mother and my sister. My mother is a housewife and my sister is a freelancer.
In the morning, I wake up at 5 a.m and prepare to go to school. After that, I have my breakfast and go to the school with my uncle. I arrive at 6:00 a.m. At school I talk with my friends and my teacher and do all of my assignment.
I leave school and go home at 3:30 p.m. After I arrive at home, I eat  with my mother. And then I take a bath and do my homeworks. Arter that, when I want to sleep, I pray to God and I go to sleep. In the morning I get up and do it all again.
At weekend, I go with my friends and have free time. At Sunday usually I go to crurch.

Below is my video , keep watching!

That's all my video today , don't forget to comment and  share my blog. Bye 😊😊😊

Selasa, 19 Februari 2019

Passive Voice (20 number)

Hello welcome back to read my blog xixixi. This is my english task about passive voice, happy studying.

Change these bellow sentences into Passive Voice

1.    You eat a bar of white chocolate.
     Answer : A bar of white chocolate is eaten.         

2.    I catch the tuna fish in the river.
     Answer : The tuna fish is caught in the river.
3.    My teacher punish me because I forget to collect my homework.
Answer : I am punished by my teacher because I forget to collect my homework.
4.    My dog eats cow bones  

    Answer : Cow bones is eaten by my dog.
5.    I receive some amount of money from my parents in my hometown.
Answer : Some amount of money is received from my       parents in my hometown.  

6.    You have to do your homework. (Active)

     Answer : Your homework have to be done.
7.    People must follow the traffic law. (Active)

     Answer : The traffic law must be followed by people.
8.    She should clean the kitchen. (Active)

     Answer : The kitchen should be cleaned.
9.    People can speak English in many countries. (Active)

     Answer : English can be spoken by people in many                                  countries.
10.You may close the gate on time. (Active)

     Answer : The gate may be closed on time.
11. My little brothers played football yesterday.

     Answer : Football was played by my little brothers yerterday.
12. Shinta read 5 books last year.

     Answer : 5 books were read by Shinta last year.
13. The writer wrote a beautiful poem this morning.
     Answer : A beautiful poem was written by the writer this                          morning.
14. We are learning English with native speaker now.

     Answer : English is being learned with native speaker now.
15.  Indonesia is doing many prodresses .

     Answer : Many prodresses are being done by Indonesia.
16. The merchants are selling some daily needs.

     Answer : Some daily needs are being sold by the merchants
17.  They have finished their jobs just now.
     Answer : Their jobs have been finished just now.
18.   Indah has already typed many letters.
     Answer : Many letters have been already typed by Indah.
19.  Some of the workers had built the building.

     Answer : The building had been built by some of the workers.
20. He had washed his car.
     Answer : His car had been washed.

That's all about my task today, i hope my blog vwery usefull for you. Don't forget to comment and share my blog. Bye bye.

Describe Place

Hello Bello everyone! Welcome to my blog. With me again Viorentina Angel. Today I want to share my vlog with my friend when we go to Museum Fatahillah, in West Jakarta. So I hope you enjoy and likes to watch my vlog.

Below is our script…

Vlog Go To Museum Fatahillah

At Saturday, we gathered in Mangga Besar Station at 09:00 a.m and went to Jakarta Kota Station. We arrived at Fatahillah Museum at 10:30 a.m.
Angel & Sherly: “hello guys, welcome to our        vlog.”
Angel & Sherly: “now we are at stasiun Mangga Besar.”
Angel: “My name is Viorentina Angel.”
Sherly: “My name is Sherly Rosemerry.”
Angel: “Today, we will go to the Museum Fatahillah.”
Sherly: “we go there by train, so let’s go with us.”

On the way (in the train)
Angel: “We are already in the train and go to stasiun Jakarta kota.”
In front of Museum Fatahillah
Sherly: “okay guys, we have arrived at the front of Museum Fatahillah.”
Angel: “Museum Fatahillah is located on Jalan Taman Fatahillah number 2, in west Jakarta.”
Sherly: “museum Fatahillah was once a city hall for VOC.”
Angel: “on March 30, 1974. This building was leter officialy as the Museum Fatahillah.”
Sherly: “wanna know more about Museum Fatahilla? Let’s go with us.”

We entered the Museum by paying a ticket Rp 3.000,- for one person.
In Museum Fatahillah (ground floor)
Sherly: “now we are in the main room on the ground floor of the Museum Fatahillah.”
Angel: “when enter the main room, we will find several collection’s of VOC relics, such as statues, ceramics, inscription, pottery, discovery of rocks and many more.”
Angel: “like this… this is the one of collections in Museum Fatahillah.”
Sherly: “the collections are made a various materials, such as wood, glass, stone, metal, and many more.”
Sherly: “this is an inscription made of the stone.”

In the Museum Fatahillah  (2nd floor)
Angel: “now, we are on the second floor.”
Sherly: “on the second floor, we will find several collections such as cabinets, tables, chairs, ancient mirrors and others.”
Angel: “This is on popular collections on second floor. The ancient mirror is popular because the mirrors can be the beautiful photo spot.”
At the back of Museum Fatahillah
Sherly: “now we are at the back of museum fatahillah”
Angel: “ at the back of museum fatahilla, there is a mini garden. “
Sherly: “the garden is so shady and beautiful.”
Angel: “beside that, there is a place of rest for visitors.”
Sherly: “We are going to the underground prisons criminals and rebels.”
Angel: “do you want to inside?”
Sherly: “sure.”
Angel: “woahh… so scary.”
Sherly: “this is a very small place.”
We are going to Statue of Hermer.
Angel: “and then there is a statue of hermer, this is a interesting place because w can take a photo.”
Sherly: “Now, we are going to the old wells, like this.”
Angel: “the old wells is very big.”
Sherly: “at the other side there is souvenir shop. Usually visitors buy souvenirs at this shop.”
Angel: “they can buy many souvenirs such as key chains, tote bag and others.”

We have visited all places at the Museum Fatahillah. Museum Fatahillah are unique and historic museum.

This is my vlog. Hope you enjoy it.

 That’s all about my vlog with my friend. Don’t forget to comment and share my blog. Bye.

Talkshow with my friend

Hello guys, welcome to my blog. Today I want to share my vlog about talkshow with my friend.  In this talkshow I am a famous chef and my friend as a host. So, watch my video and I hope you enjoy it.

        In 2019, there was a TV talkshow Black and White that interview great chef at that time. Below is a script of interview with the famous chef.
Host: “Good Afternoon ledies and gentlemen, with me again Sherly Rosemerry in our talkshow Black and White. Today, we have a special guest, Viorentina Angel.”
Angel: “Hello Mrs. Sherly, thank you for your invited.”
Host: “thanks for coming Mrs. Angel. have a sit, please… well, how are you today?”
Angel: “I’m very well thank you.”
Host: “Ok, Mrs Angel, as we know, you are a famous chef and have many awards. Did you dream about what happen to you?
Angel: “No, I never dream about this. Because I just love to cook and I tried to take part in a cooking contest. This is a gift from God to me.”
Host: : “So, since when you become a chef ?”
Angel: “I become a chef since 2017 so it’s about 5 years ago.”
Host: “how do you feel become very famous?”
Angel: “At first I didn’t expect from my hobby, I become a famous chef. Over all, I’m very happy and blessed.”
Host: “talking about another chef. Who’s your favorite chef ?”
Angel: “of course, Jamie Oliver.”
Host: “why do you likes him?”
Angel: “because he is a world famous chef who won many awards and starred in TV shows.”
Host: “do you have any dream job?”
Ange:’ “I’d like to be a designer, because I likes drawing”
Host: what is your activity how beside become a chef?”
Angel: “beside a chef, I have a several restaurant so I must manage       them.”
Host: “who in your family are you closest to?”
Angel : “My mom, she help me to become a chef”
Host: “If your mother is in here, do you want to say something ?”
Angel: “ yes. Mom, thank you for everythings you have done for me, I love you so much.”
Host: “What’s your worst habit?”
Angel: ‘”Eating to much ice. I really likes ice, this is my bad habit and I can’t fix it until now.”
Host: “based on our team information, you never wear a watch. Is it true?”
Angel: “yes, it is true.”
Host: “why do you don’t likes to wear a watch?”
Angel: “because, I think a watch is not confortable for me.”
Host: “before I end this show. I have one question. What will you do in the future?”
Angel: “I would like to makes some cooking books and hopefully I don’t to be arrogant.”
Host: “I hope your another dreams will come true.”
Angel: “yes, I hope so.”
Host: “well, thanks for Mrs. Angel for your time and thanks to audience. see you next week”

That’s all about my our script. This is my video with my friend, keep watching.

All right, that’s all my video today. Thank you for watching my video and don’t forget to comment and share my blog. See you and good bye.

Conversation (Introduce Myself)

Hello guys, welcome back to my blog. I hope you enjoy to read my blog 😁

My is Viorentina Angel. My first name is Viorentina. My last name is Angel. My job is a student of SMKN 11 Jakarta. I live at jalan Mangga Besar 13. I don’t have a home phone number. My cell phone number is 081290993082. My free time activities are chatting, play games, and sleeping. My E-mail address is viorentinaangelxakl2@gmail.com . My birthday is October 26th. I likes badminton sport. I have one sister, her name is Maria Stevani Thesya. My hobbies are swimming, badminton, play games and watch Korean drama. 

This is my video about introduce myself. Hope you enjoy it.   


That's all my vlog today. Thank you for watching.

Sabtu, 16 Februari 2019

Present Perfect Tense

Hello everyone! welcome to my blog. Today I will share ypu about my english task. Happy studying about present perfect tense.

Change These bellow sentences into Passive Voice

1. She has deleted the unwanted app.Anwer: the unwanted app has been deleted.
2. You have confirmed your reservation.Answer: Your reservation has been confirmed.
3. The seller has already shipped my orders.Answer: My orders have already been shipped by the                  seller.
4. He hasn't made a decision on whether he will retire      or join another club.Answer:
A decision on whether he will retire or join                      another club hasn't been made by him.

That's all for today. Don't forget to comment and share my blog, bye bye.

Past Perfect Tense

Passive Voice - Past Perfect Tense 

Holla guys, today I want to share my english task about passive voice with past perfect tense. Happy learning.

Forming Past Perfect Passive

Affirmative Form :             Object + had + been + verb3 (past participle)
Question Form       :             Had + object + been + verb3 (past participle) ?

Something had been done by someone before sometime in the past.
 Exammple :  
Active : The brave men had defended the city.
Passive: The city had been defended by the brave men.

Active : The little girl had broken the window.
Passive: The window had been broken by the little girl.

Active : Had Dorothy solved the problems?
Passive: Had the problems been solved by Dorothy.

Active : Those prisoners had robbed five banks.
Passive: Five banks had been robbed by those prisoners.

Change These Sentences into Passive Voice

1. I had worn blue shoes.
Answer : blue shoes had been worn.
2. Joe had cleaned the tables.
Answer : the tables had been cleaned by Joe.
3. We had lost the key.
Answer : the key had been lost.
    4. They had started a fight. 
Answer : a fight had been started.
5. I had been reading an article.
 Answer : an article had been being read.

English Test Score