Selasa, 19 Februari 2019

Talkshow with my friend

Hello guys, welcome to my blog. Today I want to share my vlog about talkshow with my friend.  In this talkshow I am a famous chef and my friend as a host. So, watch my video and I hope you enjoy it.

        In 2019, there was a TV talkshow Black and White that interview great chef at that time. Below is a script of interview with the famous chef.
Host: “Good Afternoon ledies and gentlemen, with me again Sherly Rosemerry in our talkshow Black and White. Today, we have a special guest, Viorentina Angel.”
Angel: “Hello Mrs. Sherly, thank you for your invited.”
Host: “thanks for coming Mrs. Angel. have a sit, please… well, how are you today?”
Angel: “I’m very well thank you.”
Host: “Ok, Mrs Angel, as we know, you are a famous chef and have many awards. Did you dream about what happen to you?
Angel: “No, I never dream about this. Because I just love to cook and I tried to take part in a cooking contest. This is a gift from God to me.”
Host: : “So, since when you become a chef ?”
Angel: “I become a chef since 2017 so it’s about 5 years ago.”
Host: “how do you feel become very famous?”
Angel: “At first I didn’t expect from my hobby, I become a famous chef. Over all, I’m very happy and blessed.”
Host: “talking about another chef. Who’s your favorite chef ?”
Angel: “of course, Jamie Oliver.”
Host: “why do you likes him?”
Angel: “because he is a world famous chef who won many awards and starred in TV shows.”
Host: “do you have any dream job?”
Ange:’ “I’d like to be a designer, because I likes drawing”
Host: what is your activity how beside become a chef?”
Angel: “beside a chef, I have a several restaurant so I must manage       them.”
Host: “who in your family are you closest to?”
Angel : “My mom, she help me to become a chef”
Host: “If your mother is in here, do you want to say something ?”
Angel: “ yes. Mom, thank you for everythings you have done for me, I love you so much.”
Host: “What’s your worst habit?”
Angel: ‘”Eating to much ice. I really likes ice, this is my bad habit and I can’t fix it until now.”
Host: “based on our team information, you never wear a watch. Is it true?”
Angel: “yes, it is true.”
Host: “why do you don’t likes to wear a watch?”
Angel: “because, I think a watch is not confortable for me.”
Host: “before I end this show. I have one question. What will you do in the future?”
Angel: “I would like to makes some cooking books and hopefully I don’t to be arrogant.”
Host: “I hope your another dreams will come true.”
Angel: “yes, I hope so.”
Host: “well, thanks for Mrs. Angel for your time and thanks to audience. see you next week”

That’s all about my our script. This is my video with my friend, keep watching.

All right, that’s all my video today. Thank you for watching my video and don’t forget to comment and share my blog. See you and good bye.

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