Selasa, 19 Februari 2019

Passive Voice (20 number)

Hello welcome back to read my blog xixixi. This is my english task about passive voice, happy studying.

Change these bellow sentences into Passive Voice

1.    You eat a bar of white chocolate.
     Answer : A bar of white chocolate is eaten.         

2.    I catch the tuna fish in the river.
     Answer : The tuna fish is caught in the river.
3.    My teacher punish me because I forget to collect my homework.
Answer : I am punished by my teacher because I forget to collect my homework.
4.    My dog eats cow bones  

    Answer : Cow bones is eaten by my dog.
5.    I receive some amount of money from my parents in my hometown.
Answer : Some amount of money is received from my       parents in my hometown.  

6.    You have to do your homework. (Active)

     Answer : Your homework have to be done.
7.    People must follow the traffic law. (Active)

     Answer : The traffic law must be followed by people.
8.    She should clean the kitchen. (Active)

     Answer : The kitchen should be cleaned.
9.    People can speak English in many countries. (Active)

     Answer : English can be spoken by people in many                                  countries.
10.You may close the gate on time. (Active)

     Answer : The gate may be closed on time.
11. My little brothers played football yesterday.

     Answer : Football was played by my little brothers yerterday.
12. Shinta read 5 books last year.

     Answer : 5 books were read by Shinta last year.
13. The writer wrote a beautiful poem this morning.
     Answer : A beautiful poem was written by the writer this                          morning.
14. We are learning English with native speaker now.

     Answer : English is being learned with native speaker now.
15.  Indonesia is doing many prodresses .

     Answer : Many prodresses are being done by Indonesia.
16. The merchants are selling some daily needs.

     Answer : Some daily needs are being sold by the merchants
17.  They have finished their jobs just now.
     Answer : Their jobs have been finished just now.
18.   Indah has already typed many letters.
     Answer : Many letters have been already typed by Indah.
19.  Some of the workers had built the building.

     Answer : The building had been built by some of the workers.
20. He had washed his car.
     Answer : His car had been washed.

That's all about my task today, i hope my blog vwery usefull for you. Don't forget to comment and share my blog. Bye bye.

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