Jumat, 18 Januari 2019

Passive Voice πŸ’–❣️

Hello friends! Welcome back to read my BlogπŸ’•. Today I want to share Passive Voice which is my assignment. I hope you enjoy to read this blog and happy Studying😊😊😊.


Active Sentence :
1. Indonesia needs many powerful young men.
2. She posts the story every day.
3. The teacher teaches English once a week.
4. We do exercises every day.
5. The Professors plant the rice at the top of the building.

Passive Sentence :
1. Many powerful young men are needed by Indonesia.
2. The story is posted by her every day.
3. English is taught by the teacher once a week.
4. Exercises are done by us every day.
5. The rice is planted at the top of the building by the Professors.

~~~~~~~~~~SIMPLE PAST TENSE~~~~~~~~~~

Active Sentence :
1. The students created the blogs yesterday.
2. The principal told the students to be   
good students.
3. Many singers sang the song.
4. She typed the letter last night.
5. We left the gate open.

Passive Sentence :
1. The blogs were created by the students yesterday.
2. The students were told to be good students by the principal.
3. The song was sung by many singers.
4. The letter was typed by her last night.
5. The gate was left open by us.

That's all about my assignment today. Hopefully useful and see you on the next post. bye bye. 😊😊😊

79 komentar:

  1. woah nice blog! keep it up ngellπŸ‘‹πŸ˜†

  2. nice blog bebπŸ’žπŸ’žπŸ’ž

  3. Awsome ! This is very helpful and easy to understand ^^ keep up the spirit, I'm waiting for the next blog 😘

    1. Thanks a lot , i'll do my best on the next blog πŸ’žπŸ’ž

  4. Thank u ya ❤ very helpful keep it up ya

  5. helpful banget sih ini, thank you yaaa ❤

  6. Very nice. This blog is very helpful and useful. Keep it up ya Angel :*

    1. Thank you for your praise , i'll do my best πŸ’žπŸ’ž

  7. Waww its very helpful for me. Thank u so much ������

  8. Balasan
    1. I hope this blog can be useful for you ❣️❣️

  9. Terima kasih infonya kak, ditunggu info2 yg terbarunya ya!

  10. Awsome , this blog very helpful especially for me. Keep it up ya!!

  11. Amazing, very nice to learn with this blog πŸ€”πŸ€” , this blog mus be appreciated πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  12. This is very helpful, keep it up !

  13. Your job is very good, AngelπŸ‘πŸ‘

  14. Thank you very much dear πŸ’—πŸ’—

  15. Hi angel,very helpful your blog!


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