Rabu, 06 Februari 2019

Forming Simple Future Passive

Hello Friends. Today I will do my english task about forming simple future passive. I hope you enjoy to read my blog and happy studying guys 😊

Forming Simple Future Passive

Something be done by someone in the future.

Active : We will take the horses to the stable.
Passive: The horses will be taken to the stable.

Active : Will the manager sign the contract tomorrow.
Passive: Will the contract be signed by the manager tomorrow.

Active : Will the boss give me a job?
Passive: Will I be given a job by the boss? 

Put the following sentences into passive voice. (will future passive)

1. Active : Will he pick up the kids tomorrow ?
Passive : Will the kids be picked up tomorrow ?
2. Active : The next earthquake will destroy the city.
Passive : The city will be destroyed by the next earthquake
3. Active : Jane will buy a new computer.
Passive : A new computer will be bought by Jane
4. Active : Millions of people will visit the museum.
    Passive : The museum will be visited by millions of people
5. Active : Will the company employ a new worker ?
    Passive : Will a new worker be employed by the company ?
6. Active : They will not show the new film.
    Passive : The new film will not be shown
7. Active : Our boss will sign the contract.
    Passive : The contract will be signed by our boss
8. Active : Her boyfriend will install it.
    Passive :  It will be installed by her boyfriend
9. Active : Will the plumber repair the shower ?
    Passive : Will the shower be repaired by the plumber ?
10. Active : He won’t see Sue.
     Passive :  Sue will not be seen

That's all about my task today. Hopefully this blog can usefull for us. Thank you for visit my blog guys, don't forget to comment and share my blog. See you on the next post, Bye bye 😋

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